Luxury on One of Australia’s Best Hiking Trails – The Cape to Cape Walk, Margaret River

Luxury on One of Australia's Best Hiking Trails - Cape to Cape Walk, Margaret River

Published Friday, May 31, 2024 Luxury on One of Australia's Best Hiking Trails – The Cape to Cape Walk, Margaret River

The Cape to Cape Walk Track stands as one of Australia's premier hiking trails, weaving its way along the picturesque coastline of Western Australia's Margaret River region. Renowned for its stunning vistas, diverse landscapes, and rich biodiversity, this iconic trail offers an unparalleled outdoor adventure for hiking enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

This essential guide provides up to date information for those planning to embark on this remarkable journey and whilst enjoying a little luxury at the end of each day.

Cape to Cape Walk Trail - Your Concise Guide

Cape to Cape Walk Distance

Spanning approximately 130 kilometres, the Cape to Cape Walk Track stretches from Cape Naturaliste in the north of the Margaret River region to Cape Leeuwin in the south. This extensive distance encompasses a captivating array of terrain, including rugged cliffs, pristine beaches, coastal heathlands, and ancient forests, providing hikers with a varied and rewarding experience.

The best time to walk the Cape to Cape Track

It is recommended to undertake the journey during the cooler months, typically autumn and spring, to avoid the heat of the Australian summer. Hikers will encounter a myriad of flora and fauna endemic to the region, including wildflowers in bloom during the spring months, native birds, and occasional sightings of whales and dolphins off the coast.

Stunning cliffs appearing to fall into the ocean along the Cape-to-Cape-Track prolific with pink wildflowers.

Cape to Cape Track Difficulty

The Cape to Cape Walk Track presents a moderate level of difficulty, suitable for hikers of varying skill levels and fitness abilities. While sections of the trail may feature uneven terrain and steep inclines, the overall accessibility and well-maintained paths make it an achievable endeavour for most adventurers. However, it is advisable for hikers to be adequately prepared and equipped with suitable footwear, clothing, and provisions for the journey.

How long does the Cape to Cape Walk Trail take?

The duration of the Cape to Cape Walk varies depending on individual pacing and preferences. On average, hikers can expect to complete the trail in approximately five to eight days. Factors such as fitness level, rest stops, and exploration of side trails may influence the overall time taken to traverse the entire distance.

Check out these suggested day walks and multi day itineraries.

Parking and access points along the Cape to Cape Walk

Parking and designated access points are situated at various locations along the Cape to Cape Walk Track, allowing for ease of entry and exit for hikers. These access points serve as starting or ending points when planning your daily hikes.

Here's a sample of a 6 day itinerary with 2WD access and parking.

Transfers to and from the Cape to Cape Track

For those seeking convenient transportation options to and from the Cape to Cape Walk Track, several transfer services are available in the Margaret River region.

Option 1 - Drop your car off at your designated end point and arrange transfer to your start point.  We recommend booking The Journey Margaret River for your track transfers.

Option 2 - Cape to Cape Explorers provide an exceptional service which we highly recommend to our guests. Pick up from The Roozen Residence with daily transfers to and from the track, detailed maps, packed lunches and snacks, plus personal safety epirbs. Safety is paramount and it's comforting to know someone is looking out for you and can notify authorities if you fail to arrive at your destination. Contact Cape to Cape Explorers direct.

Central accommodation on the Cape to Cape Track

When hiking the Cape to Cape Track, central accommodation is the key.

Nestled along the coast, smack bang in the middle of Cape Leeuwin and Cape Naturaliste, The Roozen Residence offers premium self-contained accommodation ideal for small groups or families (6 – 8 people). With breathtaking ocean views, The Roozen Residence provides a perfect retreat for hikers looking to unwind after a day of exploration on the Cape to Cape Walk Track.

Map of Margaret River region in proximity to Australia and location of beach house.

Safety on the Cape to Cape Track

It is important for hikers to be adequately prepared and equipped for the journey. This includes carrying sufficient water, food, navigation tools, and appropriate clothing and footwear for varying weather conditions and terrain.

Additionally, hikers should familiarise themselves with the trail route and safety guidelines provided by local authorities and park rangers. Being mindful of environmental conservation practices, such as leaving no trace and respecting wildlife habitats, is crucial to preserving the integrity of the natural environment along the trail.

A must for navigation is the Cape to Cape Track Guide App which boasts an offline GPS map allowing you to see where you are on the track, locate toilets, water stops and other handy information.

River crossings on the Cape to Cape walk track

There are several creek crossings along the track, however the largest and deepest in winter is the Margaret River rivermouth. After heavy rains, the rivermouth may be uncrossable and you'll need to take the 1.5 kms winter diversion track which is clearly signposted.

Jump onto the Margaret River Rivermouth facebook group to check the conditions of the rivermouth. Members regularly post images on here or you can ask the question if you need to take the diversion track or not.

Aerial shot of the Margaret River where it meets the Indian Ocean

Toilets on the Cape to Cape Track

Drop toilets are available at the free Cape to Cape campsites, Contos campground and several surf spots along the coast. The major beaches all have restrooms and showers also.

If nature calls, it's crucial to adequately bury your waste and NEVER leave toilet paper in the bush!

Resources and Handy Information

Margaret River Rivermouth Facebook group -

Cape to Cape Track Guide App -

Parks and Wildlife Services -

Friends of the Cape to Cape Track -


For more information on The Roozen Residence, help with planning your Cape to Cape adventure and insider Margaret River tips, feel free to contact Karen on 0407 479 004.